Underwater Floral Stem Cutter

This Underwater Stem Cutter can cut a grower's bunch of flowers in one swift motion. With a commercial grade stem cutter handle design, less force is needed to trim an entire bundle of stems all at once, reducing labor and shrink. The larger funnel makes it easier, safer and quicker to place stems into the cutter.

Designed to accommodate the largest grower bunches and multiple standard bunches. This cutter provides a strong, consistent, and even cut every time!


  • 15"D x 24"W x 5"H
  • Stainless steel funnel 5" diameter
  • Comes with 2 extra blades.
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SKU Description
100117383 / FMS USC-2 FMS Underwater Stem Cutter, 15"D x 24"W x 5"H
100117393 Replacement Blade - each
100118660 Replacement Blade - 6 pack, 5.25" x 2.5" distance between holes
100117384 Replacement Tub Only, 15"D x 24"W x 5"H


Prod-Floral-100118660-USC-2B Blades

Replacement Blades

100117393/FMS USC-2B
100117384-USC-2T-replacement tub

Replacement Tubs

100117384/FMS USC-2T

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