
Top 5 Assortment Trends in Grocery Retail

Written by Carlson AirFlo | May 28, 2024 5:57:05 PM

Recently, we sat down with Ashley Nickle on The Grocery Retail Podcast to discuss some of the top assortment trends reshaping the grocery landscape in 2024.

In case you missed it, here are five of the top trends we’re witnessing!

1. More Convenience Options

Remember when bagged salads were first introduced? It seemed like a ground-breaking innovation at the time. Well, now there are entire grocery departments dedicated to fresh cut veggies, fruits, and easy meal solutions. Retailers are finding success with a wide assortment of ready-made products—from packages of potatoes to full meals like pre-made trays of lasagna—and this trend doesn’t seem to be letting up.

In fact, with the pace of life picking up again post-pandemic, retailers are building on this convenience trend with more grab-and-go meal kit options and even automated checkout systems, prioritizing convenience at every touchpoint. The integration of technology, such as mobile apps for online ordering and delivery services is further growing and allowing consumers to shop with ease, whenever and wherever.

Photo: Ready-to-Eat Meals at Wegman’s | Credit: USA Today

2. Health-Conscious Boom

We can also remember when kiwi used to be considered an exotic fruit. Now there’s a huge variety of tropical fruits and healthy beverages, like kombucha, taking over shelves. As health-conscious consumers drive demand, the once-exotic is becoming more commonplace.

Grocery stores are getting better at labeling these options, too, making it easier for shoppers to find and explore new products as they embrace healthier eating habits. Organic and plant-based sections have expanded significantly. In some stores, we’ve seen plant-based options grow from 2-foot sections a few years ago to 12-24-foot sections now! And with organic prices coming down compared to 5-10 years ago, more shoppers are willing to take a chance on healthier options.

Photo: Organic Fences by Carlson AirFlo at Safeway | Credit: Baryn Hagood-Lund, Produce Pros

3. More Destination Departments

We’re also seeing a lot of private and store brands creating their own departments. From standalone mobile refrigerated units to freestanding cases, destination departments are starting to offer more value and quality to shoppers with fully curated selections and holiday promotion displays.

The wet-rack section has been shrinking to allocate space for these new items and departments. As a result, traditional sections may give way to more innovative spaces as the destination department trend continues to evolve.

Photo: Private Label & Destination Dept at Winn Dixie | Credit: New York Times

4. Sustainability Storytelling

Retailers are also getting better at showcasing their sustainability efforts with signage and storytelling about local growers. By emphasizing farm-to-market practices, stores are demonstrating more transparency and letting shoppers know the origins of their food. This fosters trust and loyalty, as shoppers are happy to know they’re supporting their local region, farmers, and workers.

For example, Bushel Boy is well-known in Minnesota for their fresh grown tomatoes. So much so, some shoppers in Minnesota intentionally seek out Bushel Boy because they know it’s been grown nearby and has a freshness close to something they just picked from the garden.

Photo: Farm-to-Market Signage at Wegman’s | Credit: Bob Nichols


5. Fun Displays

Best of all… we’re seeing a resurgence of retailers having fun again. Creative displays went away a bit during covid – as everyone was busy putting toilet paper on shelves. But now fun is back! Seasonal and holiday displays are becoming more interactive and artistic, and some retailers are even tying contests into displays to build employee excitement.

Getting good engagement from the store team supercharges everything else, and the idea of ‘creating theater’ in a store adds excitement. In turn, this delivers a great experience for shoppers. Since we buy with our senses – beautiful, colorful fresh displays are important. By adding interest and excitement to a selection, retailers are once again finding new, creative ways to draw shoppers in and get more sales.

Source: AirArt Merchandising by Carlson AirFlo at Festival Foods in Hugo, MN

At Carlson AirFlo, we love seeing merchandisers use our products to paint a fun and beautiful scene! Looking to inject excitement into your shopping experience? Our vibrant displays not only captivate the senses but also drive sales, creating an immersive environment that fosters connection and joy.

Reach out to our merchandising experts to elevate your assortment planning and grocery store experience today!